Do Real Men Desire a Beautiful Woman?

May be an illustration of 1 person

Is it true a Real Man desires a beautiful woman? What is a beautiful woman by modern standards, (head of the relationship, bossy, independent, displays lasciviousness) and is that really what men want? Truth is a real man desires a woman who can make his world beautiful, and that ONLY happens when she becomes a spiritually feminine lady, who allows her husband/real man to be the leader of their relationship. Today people ask me, “How do you describe a Real Man?” Below you will find a description of my real man. The next question they ask is, “How does a man become a real man?” Only God knows the answers to that question, because it is only through a divine relationship with Him that He creates a Real Man.

When I first met my knight in shining armor I could tell he was not “one of the good old boys.” he carried the sword of Truth with him at all times, which he used most days. I quickly found out he had principles, displayed honor and respect for others, for the most part, and their possessions, which he still possesses today. What are the characteristics of a real man? A God centered definition is this: when you define a real man in a SPIRITUAL way, his physical body becomes far less important. In other words you are able to see the spiritual characteristics, spirit- Being, inside the man, rather than just the human body which is suppose to be controlled by his spirit-Being. A real man is one who controls his “self”, selfish desires, with all of its selfish emotions, by his spirit, from the inside out. A real man is a protector and provider for his wife and family. A real man’s responsibility is to be the spiritual leader and disciplinarian of his family. He practices good morals at all times, setting a good, Christ-like example for his wife and children to follow. He follows the Commandments, meaning he does not lie, cheat or steal, nor does he commit adultery or murder. He is not selfish, but instead puts God first, and the NEEDS of everyone else before himself. He is quick to listen, slow to speak and slow to wrath, never using his fists except in self defense. He does not allow problems or others to frustrate him into being a bully, but calmly, humbly and lovingly, faces each challenge by correctly applying the Commandments for everyone’s mutual benefit. imageReal men fight with their will and determination and they pick women who are feminine and support them in their fight against evil. They are creative and get to know Father telepathically and learn to listen and obey what He tells them to do. They take only what they need and are not interested in material wealth, but in spiritual growth (Matt. 6:24). Real men never lie, they mean what they say and say what they mean never going back on their word even when it becomes difficult to keep, they still follow through. My knight does not claim to be physically strong or intelligent, he just goes out 6 days a week wearing his shield and taking his sword to fight the dragons in high places, on this hellish planet called Earth. He is not puffed up with big muscles, nor arrogantly focusing on what he looks like physically. My knight today is the protector and sole provider for me, and his family, and he takes good care of all our needs and the animals he has been entrusted with. He will defend us in self-defense when necessary. He is not a bully, using his fists, but deals with problems in a calm and logical manner. His continual examples of love and compassion for others attracted me to him. Because of these characteristics I felt I could trust him with my life. In fact one day early on in our marriage we were working for another carpenter friend of his and the man turned to me in the conversation of marriage and said, “You have trusted him with your life.” I agreed and today I am so glad I listened to that lovely sweet soft voice inside me wooing me to come this way, for the way of true love and harmony that I was seeking, I have found through this relationship.

My knight guides me gently back to my Creator Who has the power to change me, as well as all of us here, because He created each one of us and knows just what we ALL need, and when we need it. He is always drawing me closer to him by kindly encouraging me to do what is right for me, and everyone else involved. This kind of Love makes it easier for me to do what he asks, rather than a man who is harsh and demanding, who has to be right all the time, but doesn’t practice what he preaches. My knight kindly suggested I let him supply all my needs, therefore encouraging me to stop practicing/selling vanity as my business. Vanity, I believe, is partly responsible for the mess the world is in today. He often reminds me, that, “the whole world is upside down, worshipping satan through the woman.” This helped turn my world right side up, finding the way to my rightful position worshipping God through the man. Now I practice being his help-meet, just as my Creator intended. I find that in following this path my Creator guided me to fall in love with my real man, his sword, shield and The Truth that he follows.

Don’t get me wrong, he’s also physically nice to look at and talented, but the whole package is what I desire. Early on he gained my respect, due to the fact he did not play into the hands of his women clients who flirted with him. He was always kind, and sometimes found it necessary to direct the conversation elsewhere, in those situations which helped give me faith in his relationship capabilities. This kind of Love helped to break through the walls of hurt and distrust I had developed from previous dysfunctional relationships. Like these, he has many skills most men only dream of acquiring, which makes him very attractive to most women these days, because they selfishly want a man for what he can give them, not for the man’s Godly values. He could have had most any woman, but because of his beliefs and faith in God he chose a woman who could make his world spiritually beautiful, not one who is just beautiful to look at. It is a dream come true to have this courageous sword swinging man as my husband. He has had many a woman tempt him before, but he is always true to our commitment and has never committed adultery since we signed our Holy Marriage Contract with God. He also shared that the seven years prior to our relationship he remained celibate which further strengthened my trust in him, and helped me to start overcoming my destructive jealousy. He helps me achieve things like this site to connect with others. Most of the time it feels like I am in a fairy-tale and the dream has come true to life.

Today it is apparent that my knight knew what he wanted and picked me for my beliefs, which he hoped would make his world more beautiful. I’ve always wanted a man to love me for who I really was and not for my looks, but I did not know how to attract that kind of man. Thank goodness all that has changed today, and I am loved by my knight in shining armor, because of his beliefs in building a better world. It has been said that opposites attract, he being masculine in nature likes for me to be his feminine polar opposite. For example, long soft flowing hair as my covering, being sensitive and caring, always nurturing, and a good care-giver of his physical and most importantly his spiritual needs.

From the first time he came to my home he guided our romance with “strong steel boundaries – no sex before marriage.” We believe that sex is spiritually uniting within the bonds of the marriage contract, becoming one flesh, and if sex happens before God is invited in, through the taking of vows, the man ends up following satan through the woman making their whole world operate upside down. Because he used his sword and shield, he extinguished the red dragon’s fiery darts of lust and sin that would have destroyed our loving relationship, causing our relationship to be based on lust. I used to think that more sex was the way to a man’s heart, however I have learned the way to a real man’s heart is through giving him Real Love. Clearly he does not desire lust/sex and it is a big turn OFF to him. Actually he desires the opposite, which is Real Love. I have found this kind of Love is much more fulfilling than sex. He desires to make an “Out of This World” experience when our two bodies and souls join unselfishly, always putting the others needs first, wanting only to please and asking nothing in return. Our act of making love becomes the nearest thing to “Heaven on Earth” I have ever experienced. It has been said love-making could be this way and now I can honestly tell you it can be.

We grow a garden, which helps us grow together. We love the fresh vegetables, because they just taste better and we know they are much healthier for us. The time we spend together in the garden has proved to be a rewarding experience. We see nature transpiring, and becoming full of life. The garden reminds us of our relationship, as it grows it shows sign of magical wonders producing sweet sensations to enjoy and nourish us as well as others. While sharing our day over a hot home-cooked meal, I jump at the chance to tell him everything that happened to me that day, listening for guidance in his humble words of direction. Keeping our home and clothes clean and mended, making sure there is a warm inviting atmosphere when he returns home, are ways I show my gratitude. He shows appreciation for the labor of love by verbally thanking me for cooking and cleaning and helping him with the chores of our animals around the ranch. After all he has been fighting the fire-breathing dragon all day, and he just wants to come home where he is loved, appreciated, and respected. I try to show him I appreciate him by verbally thanking him for all his hard work each day, and putting healthy food on our table.

By no means is he perfect, he still has his ego/self to overcome daily, as we all do. Neither are we claiming to know anything about relationships, we still have occasional discord when either of us becomes overcome with one’s selfishness. Yet the episodes are less frequent as love abounds. It is our hope that each couple will find their harmony with the guidance of their Creator, as we have. If we have shared anything here of any use or value, we give credit to our Father in Heaven, for He is the Only One Good and is Love; which makes the world go round.

In closing:

A real man is one who follows morality and aspires to these characteristics, puts other people’s needs before his own. He is his family’s protector/provider, never lies, does not commit fornication or adultery, respects others and their property, and follows Truth, always striving to point others to that path. When he fails he gets back up and rights his shield and takes the sword of Truth in hand once again to battle the red dragon’s tail of lies, using God’s Royal Laws of Liberty, Commandments and his determination. My role is cheering him on saying, “Honey, Go, Fight, Win this race called Life”, encouraging him on his path towards learning how to be good. Perhaps you’ve heard it said, “Behind every good man there is a relatively good woman”, my place is to take good care of him, and encourage him to fight evil in the world. By doing so I am learning how to become a perfect lady, wife and mom, which is Women’s True Liberation, having found my path towards home, Falling in Love with a Real Man. By following this path my Creator has designed for me, I can earn the right to become a man the correct way, not the way the world teaches by becoming a man while still in a woman’s body (bread winner, competitive, bossy, independent, etc.), before having earned it. My hope is you will come and join me here, and discover your divine purpose, as God intended it to be, thereby making your man’s world a beautiful place to be.

God bless